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- /* Dice: 1> dcc -l0 -mD dpk.o tags.o SetField.c -o SetField
- **
- ** This demo tests the SetField() and GetField() functions.
- */
- #include <proto/dpkernel.h>
- #include <system/sysobject.h>
- BYTE *ProgName = "SetField";
- BYTE *ProgAuthor = "Paul Manias";
- BYTE *ProgDate = "August 1998";
- BYTE *ProgCopyright = "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1998. Freely distributable.";
- BYTE *ProgShort = "Field Orientation demo.";
- struct GScreen *screen;
- struct Restore *restore;
- struct Bob *Rabbit;
- struct JoyData *joydata;
- struct Picture *bobpic;
- struct FileName bobfile = { ID_FILENAME, "GMS:demos/data/Rabbit.iff" };
- WORD RabbitFrames[] = {
- /* Right 0 - 7 */
- 0,0, 8,0, 16,0, 24,0, 32,0, 40,0, 48,0, 56,0,
- /* Left 8 - 15 */
- 120,0, 112,0, 104,0, 96,0, 88,0, 80,0, 72,0, 64,0,
- /* Jumping 16 - 24 */
- 128,0, 136,0, 144,0, 152,0, 160,0, 168,0, 176,0, 184,0, 192,0,
- /* Backward Flip 25 - 47 */
- 0,16, 8,16, 16,16, 24,16, 32,16, 40,16, 48,16, 56,16,
- 64,16, 72,16, 80,16, 88,16, 96,16, 104,16, 112,16, 120,16,
- 128,16, 136,16, 144,16, 152,16, 160,16, 168,16, 176,16,
- -1,-1
- };
- void Demo(void);
- void Wrap(struct Bob *);
- /***************************************************************************/
- void main(void) {
- LONG *palette;
- if (bobpic = Get(ID_PICTURE)) {
- SetField(bobpic,FID_Source,(LONG)&bobfile);
- SetField(bobpic->Bitmap,FID_MemType,MEM_BLIT);
- if (Init(bobpic,NULL)) {
- if (screen = Get(ID_SCREEN)) {
- if (palette = CloneMemBlock(bobpic->Bitmap->Palette,MEM_DATA)) {
- SetField(screen->Bitmap,FID_Palette,(LONG)palette);
- if (Init(screen,NULL)) {
- if (restore = InitTags(screen,
- RSA_Entries, 1,
- TAGEND)) {
- if (Rabbit = InitTags(screen,
- BBA_GfxCoords, RabbitFrames,
- BBA_Width, 8,
- BBA_Height, 16,
- BBA_XCoord, screen->Width/2,
- BBA_YCoord, screen->Height/2,
- BBA_SrcBitmap, bobpic->Bitmap,
- TAGEND)) {
- if (joydata = Get(ID_JOYDATA)) {
- if (SetField(joydata,FID_Port,2) IS ERR_OK) { /* Forces joystick control */
- if (Init(joydata, NULL)) {
- Display(screen);
- Demo();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- FreeMemBlock(palette);
- Free(joydata);
- Free(Rabbit);
- Free(restore);
- Free(screen);
- Free(bobpic);
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- void Demo(void)
- {
- WORD AnimSpeed = 0;
- WORD Direction = 0;
- WORD Flip = FALSE;
- #define MAXSPEED 3
- do
- {
- Activate(restore);
- Draw(Rabbit);
- WaitAVBL();
- SwapBuffers(screen);
- /* Animate the Rabbit's movements */
- AnimSpeed++;
- if (AnimSpeed > MAXSPEED) {
- AnimSpeed = 0;
- Rabbit->Frame++;
- if (Direction IS 1) {
- if (Rabbit->Frame < 0) Rabbit->Frame = 0;
- if (Rabbit->Frame > 7) Rabbit->Frame = 0;
- }
- else if (Direction IS -1) {
- if (Rabbit->Frame < 8) Rabbit->Frame = 8;
- if (Rabbit->Frame > 15) Rabbit->Frame = 8;
- }
- else {
- if (Flip IS FALSE) {
- if (Rabbit->Frame < 16) Rabbit->Frame = 16;
- if (Rabbit->Frame > 24) Rabbit->Frame = 16;
- }
- else {
- if (Rabbit->Frame < 25) Rabbit->Frame = 25;
- if (Rabbit->Frame > 47) Rabbit->Frame = 25;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Get the user input */
- Query(joydata);
- if (Direction != NULL) {
- Rabbit->XCoord += joydata->XChange;
- }
- if (joydata->YChange < 0) {
- if ((Direction != NULL) OR (Flip IS TRUE)) {
- Rabbit->Frame = 16;
- Direction = 0;
- Flip = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else if (joydata->YChange > 0) {
- if ((Direction != NULL) OR (Flip IS FALSE)) {
- Rabbit->Frame = 25;
- Direction = 0;
- Flip = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else if (joydata->XChange > 0) {
- if (Direction IS -1) { /* If rabbit is facing left, spin right */
- Rabbit->Frame -= 8;
- Direction = 1;
- }
- else if (Direction IS NULL) {
- Rabbit->Frame = 0;
- Direction = 1;
- }
- }
- else if (joydata->XChange < 0) {
- if (Direction IS 1) { /* If rabbit is facing right, spin left */
- Rabbit->Frame += 8;
- Direction = -1;
- }
- else if (Direction IS NULL) {
- Rabbit->Frame = 8;
- Direction = -1;
- }
- }
- Wrap(Rabbit);
- } while (!(GetField(joydata,FID_Buttons) & JD_FIRE1));
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** Function: This function will wrap a bob to the other side of a screen if
- ** it leaves the bob's screen borders.
- **
- ** Synopsis: Wrap(Bob);
- */
- void Wrap(struct Bob *bob)
- {
- if (bob->XCoord < -bob->Width) bob->XCoord = bob->DestBitmap->Width;
- if (bob->YCoord < -bob->Height) bob->YCoord = bob->DestBitmap->Height;
- if (bob->XCoord > bob->DestBitmap->Width) bob->XCoord = -bob->Width;
- if (bob->YCoord > bob->DestBitmap->Height) bob->YCoord = -bob->Height;
- }